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Loving God 7: With All Your Strength (pt2)

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Session 7 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Strength – The Sermon on the Mount Lifestyle

In the application part of this session, we’re looking at the lifestyle and practices that Jesus describes in the Sermon on the Mount and how they lead us to a life of sacrificial love and dependence upon God. Jesus lays out five areas of surrender where God longs for us to give and receive love.

Loving God – Session 7 – 11/14/10 – Loving God With All Your Strength (practicals) (22.5MB 66min)


Loving God 7: With All Your Strength (pt1)

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Session 7 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Strength – Pursuing Greatness in God’s Eyes

In this final session – Loving God with all our strength – we’re looking at the Sermon on the Mount and the call that Jesus gives to live before the eyes of our Father in heaven and to pursue greatness in His eyes. The Sermon on the Mount is our guide in how to be free of the hold of this world by shifting our reward, our focus and our confidence to our Father in heaven.

Loving God – Session 7 – 11/14/10 – Loving God With All Your Strength (teaching) (18.9MB 55min)


Loving God 6: With All Your Heart (pt2)

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Session 6 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Heart – Keeping the Fire: A Life of Prayer

The practical means through which God intends to transform our hearts into oneness with His is a life of prayer. As we respond to what we see in Jesus, God does a deep work in our hearts. The disciplines of a life of prayer are what enable us to keep a consistent fire on our hearts until they are fully consumed in love.

Loving God – Session 6 – 11/7/10 – Loving God With All Your Heart (practicals) (17.7MB 52min)


Handout – Apostolic Prayers

Handout – Meditation

Loving God 6: With All Your Heart (pt1)

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Session 6 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Heart – Becoming Those After God’s Own Heart

As we look at loving God with all our heart, we are looking at God’s desire and promise to unite His body with His own heart and love. The love we encounter as we behold Christ is not just there for us to worship or to emulate, it is there to produce in us a persistent cry for our hearts to be filled with that love by the indwelling Spirit.

Loving God – Session 6 – 11/7/10 – Loving God With All Your Heart (teaching) (19.3MB 56min)


Loving God 5: With All Your Mind (pt2)

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Session 5 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Mind – Beholding the Face of Christ

In the workshop part of this session, we’re looking at how to grow in the knowledge of God through meditating on the Scriptures and specifically on the accounts of the life of Jesus in the Gospels. In seeing Jesus as He walks the earth, we have the unthinkable gift of  being able to look God in the face.

Loving God – Session 5 – 10/31/10 – Loving God With All Your Mind (practicals) (21.2MB 62min)


Handout: Meditation on Christ

Loving God 5: With All Your Mind (pt1)

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Session 5 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Mind – Pursuing the Knowledge of God

In the teaching portion on loving God with our mind, we’re looking at the importance of the knowledge of God and at God’s desire to reveal Himself to His creation.

Loving God – Session 5 – 10/31/10 – Loving God With All Your Mind (teaching) (20.4MB 60min)


Loving God 4: With All Your Soul (pt2)

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Session 4 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Soul – Practical Ways to Re-shape Our Identity

In this second part, the focus is on practical things to do in daily life that begin to establish identity in us. From the start of our day to the end, over the longhaul and moment to moment, what does it look like to walk rooted in the identity that we are God’s?

Loving God – Session 4 – 10/17/10 – Loving God With All Your Soul (practicals) (20.3MB 59min)


Handout: Prayers For Fullness

Loving God 4: With All Your Soul (pt1)

Tuesday, October 19th, 2010

Session 4 on Loving God: Loving God With All Your Soul – Embracing a Christ-Centered Identity

In the teaching portion of this first session on the four arenas of the First Commandment, we’re looking at what it means to love God with all our soul, and the importance of finding our identity in God.

Loving God – Session 4 – 10/17/10 – Loving God With All Your Soul (teaching) (12.3MB 36min)


Loving God 3: Pursue Love

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Session 3 on Loving God: Pursue Love – The First and Great Commandment

Exploring the First Commandment as a roadmap to the design of the human spirit for love, and how to take our natural desires and focus them upon God.

Loving God – Session 3 – 10/9/10 3pm – Pursue Love (16.3MB 48min)


Loving God 2: To the Praise of His Glory

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Session 2 on Loving God: To the Praise of His Glory – The Wisdom of God in the Weakness of Love

How to embrace the wisdom of God by finding our strength in the weakness of love. Why God calls us to “one thing” before all else – knowing His love and knowing Him.

Loving God – Session 2 – 10/9/10 1pm – To the Praise of His Glory (26.2MB 76min)


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