Posts Tagged ‘matthew’
2/18/10 – Asking, seeking and knocking
Thursday, February 18th, 2010
2/11/10 – They shall inherit the earth
Thursday, February 11th, 2010A look at the other half of longing for kingdom come – the cry of the human heart for the wrongs to be righted in a broken world. God wants to give us influence over spheres and places as our inheritance. The kingdom call to meekness is how we enter into that inheritance by releasing that cry of our heart in such a way as to further the kingdom of God on earth.
Pursuing God Service – 2/11/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 5: They shall inherit the earth (23.6MB 52min)
(Primary scriptures: Matthew 5:5,6:10)
2/4/10 – They shall be comforted
Thursday, February 4th, 2010A look at the heart of the kingdom – encountering Jesus and being wounded with longing for more of His presence, and at the promise of God to come alongside of the wounded heart and give us joy in His presence. Cultivating a heart that longs for Jesus is how we invite the presence of God in our lives and cities in greater measure.
Pursuing God Service – 2/4/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 4: They shall be comforted (31.7MB 69min)
Primary Scriptures: Matthew 5:4,9:14-17
1/28/10 – The Blessed Life
Thursday, January 28th, 2010Continuing with the the gospel of the kingdom, focusing in on the Beatitudes and Jesus’ promise that life is found in the embracing of the ways of the kingdom. A call to happy holiness and joyous repentance.
Pursuing God Service – 1/28/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 3: The blessed life (30.5MB 67min)
(Primary Scriptures: Matthew 5:3-12)
1/21/10 – Seek first the kingdom
Thursday, January 21st, 2010Continuing in the series on the gospel of the kingdom, looking this week at the Sermon on the Mount from a zoomed-out perspective. What was Jesus’ message as He preached His first sermon?
Pursuing God Service – 1/21/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 2: Seek first the kingdom (32.8MB 72min)
Primary Scriptures: Matthew 5-7
1/14/10 – Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
Thursday, January 14th, 2010The beginning of a series on the teachings of Christ from the book of Matthew – the gospel of the kingdom. This message looks at the ministry of John the BaptistĀ and his message that Jesus would later take up – “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Pursuing God Service – 1/14/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 1: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (33.3MB 73min)
Primary Scriptures: Matthew 3:1-12,11:7-12,24:14; Isaiah 40:3-10