In the final week of our 40-day focus, we did a brief recap of the themes the Lord has been emphasizing and looked particularly at the question “how then shall we live?” How do we respond to what the Lord is doing?
Posts Tagged ‘Intercession’
40-Day Focus: Week 6 – Response
Tuesday, April 13th, 201040-Day Focus: Week 5 – Bridal Identity – Partnership
Monday, April 5th, 2010Week 5 we’re looking at the other half of what it means to be joined to Christ as His Bride – partnership. His desire for us is that we be one with Him, and in that is a glorious invitation to know His heart.
Going Deeper Conference – 3/27/10
Monday, March 29th, 2010This second conference session (Saturday 3/27/10 10am) Rob focused on how to make our prayer effective and enjoyable so that we can engage long term with our priestly calling to intercession.
Going Deeper Conference – 3/26/10
Monday, March 29th, 2010This first conference session (Friday 3/26/10 7pm) Rob was sharing on the reality of intercession – the role God has given us in partnership with Him to actually shape the future of cities and nations.
Going Deeper Conference – 3/26/10 – The Reality of Intercession (31.9MB 70min)