This week we’re looking at what it was like for the disciples to get to know God from the extraordinary context of an on-going relationship in which they were with Him when they woke up and when they went to bed at night, when they had questions and when they were totally in awe.
Archive for the ‘Pursuing God Service’ Category
6/10/10 – Portraits of Christ: Walking With God
Tuesday, June 22nd, 20106/3/10 – Portraits of Christ: The Approachable God
Tuesday, June 15th, 2010This week we’re considering the invitation in Jesus’ eyes that drew ordinary men and women into extraordinary encounters with the glory of God.
5/27/10 – Portraits of Christ: Touched By God
Tuesday, June 8th, 2010Continuing our look at Jesus, we move on now to His ministry. We are looking this week at the remarkable way in which God chose to interact with men, and what it says about His heart toward His creation.
5/20/10 – Portraits of Christ: A Child Is Born
Tuesday, May 25th, 2010Continuing in a series on the person of Christ, we are looking this week at His birth. The life of Jesus is significant, not only for what He did, but for who He was. Considering the manner in which He came to us draws our attention to the Man and who He was: God with us.
5/13/10 – Portraits of Christ: In the beginning…
Tuesday, May 18th, 2010We are starting a new series focused on the person of Christ – the goal being not to define His attributes or His work, but to encounter His heart and His person as we meditate on passages from the gospels.
This first week we’re looking at the eternally pre-existent Christ and what God was like “in the beginning.”
4/29/10 – The Christ-Centered Heart
Wednesday, May 5th, 20104/15/10 – Christ-Centered Christianity
Saturday, April 17th, 20102/18/10 – Asking, seeking and knocking
Thursday, February 18th, 2010Notes(Primary scriptures: Matthew 5:17-6:18)
2/11/10 – They shall inherit the earth
Thursday, February 11th, 2010A look at the other half of longing for kingdom come – the cry of the human heart for the wrongs to be righted in a broken world. God wants to give us influence over spheres and places as our inheritance. The kingdom call to meekness is how we enter into that inheritance by releasing that cry of our heart in such a way as to further the kingdom of God on earth.
Pursuing God Service – 2/11/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 5: They shall inherit the earth (23.6MB 52min)
(Primary scriptures: Matthew 5:5,6:10)
2/4/10 – They shall be comforted
Thursday, February 4th, 2010A look at the heart of the kingdom – encountering Jesus and being wounded with longing for more of His presence, and at the promise of God to come alongside of the wounded heart and give us joy in His presence. Cultivating a heart that longs for Jesus is how we invite the presence of God in our lives and cities in greater measure.
Pursuing God Service – 2/4/10 – The Gospel of the Kingdom Part 4: They shall be comforted (31.7MB 69min)
Primary Scriptures: Matthew 5:4,9:14-17